Application for inspection of Electrical Installation - Loginn Form

Online Application for Inspection of Electrical Installations

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Central Electricity Authority
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As per the requirement of section 162 of the Electricity Act, 2003 , all new electrical installations are required to be approved by the Electrical inspector before energization under Regulations 45 of Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2023. Existing electrical installations are periodically inspected under Regulation 32.

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CEA does not charge any fees/remunerations for carrying out Electrical Inspection of the Electrical Installations. Any person found indulged in unsolicited activities shall be liable for punishment as per law.
Application filled by contractor on behalf of utility shall be rejected, applications shall be filled by Permanent Employee of the owner organization with complete details.
Registration of any complaint/feedback can be mailed at cei-redressal[at]gov[dot]in.

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